Secrets From My Tuscan Kitchen Cookbook Review

The best thing about living in a foreign country is the number of great people you meet. Expats abroad tend to form an alliance based on a mutual understanding, or in many cases misunderstanding of the new society and having that network is an invaluable source of comfort for many of us.

The second best thing about living in a foreign country is the new food … especially in a country like Italy, where fresh produce and homemade dishes are celebrated and appreciated. And expected!

So when you put best thing #1 with best thing #2 and you find a fellow expat who is not only a good listener and helpful friend, but who is also a fantastic chef with mouthwatering recipes … well, you’ve hit the mother load.

And so we have.

Judy Witts Francini has been a Tuscan chef for 25 years and although we have yet to meet in person, I’m looking forward to the day we can shake hands, or well, we are in Italy, so kiss cheeks, share a glass of wine and she can cook for me. (What? She’s a pro?)

Until that day, though I’ll have to get by with her new cookbook “Secrets From my Tuscan Kitchen.” And let me just say, I think I’ll manage just fine.

Secrets From my Tuscan Kitchen Cookbook

The cookbook is a collection of 93 of Judy’s favorite Tuscan recipes and features pasta and risotto dishes, second plate meals, recipes for homemade bread and pasta and an extensive dessert section.

I’ve already jumped into the book and prepared a few summer favorites while my husband is planning ahead for the cold-weather months to try some of the heartier Tuscan stews and soups … and he’s been eyeing her homemade gnocchi recipe, as well.

The recipes are in American measurements, but the front-of-the-book conversions make it easy to whip up these treats, regardless of which continent you are on.

So if you are looking for a new cookbook that won’t gather dust on your shelf, head over to DivinaCucina and order your copy today. Or better yet, buy two and share one with the Tuscan wanna-be chef in your life.

Buon Appetito!

3 Responses
  1. I am hearing great things about this book.

    I swore I wasn’t going to buy another cookbook (I bought quite a few with me), but darn it, this one has to go on my books-to-buy list.
    I love it, NYC. It has some recipes I was familiar with, but I found several new recipes I am anxious to try!
    .-= nyc/caribbean ragazza´s last blog ..Lo Shopping: The Lion Bookshop =-.

  2. Paula Russell

    I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! Judy Witts’ Blog Over a Tuscan Stove looks fantastic too. Thanks for letting us know about this, Cherrye!
    Prego, Paula! I hope you enjoy the book.
    .-= Paula Russell´s last blog ..Florence’s Santa Maria Novella =-.

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