Many people want to know how they should dress when they are visiting a new country and yes, the answer depends on where they are going and more importantly … when. I’ve written tips for what to wear in Italy in the winter and the spring and today, I’m helping you prepare for the summer.

Think a southern Italian summer is all about bathing suits and beach towels? Well … in a way, it is. Beaches are the number one attraction for many southern Italy-bound travelers and even if beach-bumming is not your thing, you will likely want to pack a swim suit … should you change your mind. Additionally, here are five other things to wear so you can fit in with the locals and be comfortable throughout your trip.

1. Sleeveless Tops with Layers
Sleeveless tops and tank tops are perfectly acceptable for southern Italian summers, but you will often see Italians layer a short-sleeved sweater or jacket over their top … just to be cute. Men can wear short-sleeved t-shirts (solid colors work best) or polo-style shirts.

2. Sandals or lightweight Tennis Shoes
Finally … a season where southern Italians will wear open-toed shoes, so feel free to pack your sandals or even a lightweight pair of tennis shoes for your trip.

3. Lightweight Pants and Skirts
Although there is still a breeze in many areas of southern Italy, packing lightweight cotton pants and skirts will help you keep cool. As with other seasons, Italians are very well put together and over-sized pants or bulky skirts aren’t really the norm.

4. Shorts (with care)
A couple of years ago I’d have said to leave your shorts at home, however they are gaining in popularity here in southern Italy and you regularly see locals out and about in shorts. However … and there is a big however, they wear dressy shorts and/or typically tuck their shirts in and use a belt. Even in shorts, southern Italians are stylish.

5. Sunglasses
Yes, southern Italians wear sunglasses year-round, but if you are visiting in the summer months, you’ll definitely want to pack a pair of your favorite sunglasses-or pick up a pair at a local market-to help you fit in. Not only will they help protect your eyes from the gllaring Mezzogiorno sun, but you will also look stylish when you are at the beach, touring villages or engaging in my favorite summer pastime … eating gelato!

What else would you suggest travelers wear if they visit southern Italy in the summertime?

Until next time … Buon Viaggio!

Traveling to southern Italy? Click here to see how I can help you plan your trip to Calabria or southern Italy.

Photos: Two Wheels Blog

2 Responses
  1. For women, I definitely recommend a flattering sundress that is lightweight. Although the Italian women wear dresses that are slightly more stylish than a sundress, I have seen many Italian women in tank-style dresses. A dress that breathes is the most comfortable way to endure the summer heat. I’m in Sicily now (since early August) and have also endured summer heat in Calabria (in 2005) and found that trick helped me get by.

    I always pack a lightweight scarf in my purse and I can easily throw it over my shoulders for a courtesy modesty (e.g. at a church), or just for personal modesty.

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