
Restaurant Reviews


Restaurant Review: Villa Marinella in La Sila National Park

There are many places you can go when you are traveling in Calabria near Catanzaro … you could see Le Castella, visit the ruins in Roccelletta or spend a morning driving through Sila Piccola in La Sila National Park.
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Best Hamburgers in Southeast Texas … Guaranteed

It is that time of year again … schools are wrapping up, kids are heading to the nearest watering hole and their parents and friends are planning summer BBQs and outdoor picnics. But just in case you don’t have time-or the desire to melt away under the glaring Texas sun-you have another option … especially...
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Eating Out in Rome … Mmm-mmm Good

It is hump day here at My Bella Vita and we are smack in the middle of Rome Week, and with all of the sightseeing and wallet-watching we’ve had going on the last couple of days … I bet you are getting hungry. I know I am. Many people think a good vacation boils down...
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Where to Eat in Catanzaro, Calabria – Pizzeria da Ciro

There is one in every city – in every family – in every circle of friends … . There is a place you depend on. A place you rely on. A place you return to time and time again for a good meal. For my husband and me here in Catanzaro, Italy that place is...
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Review of Pizzeria da Gigi in Cosenza, Calabria

The people of Cosenza rave about their legendary pizzaiolo and have proclaimed the Pizzeria da Gigi, located just outside of downtown Cosenza, as the best pizza south of Naples. And I believed them. See. I’ve eaten there before. The pizza dough was soft and filling, the sauce prepared with fresh tomatoes, the toppings, generous and...
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Sila Fridays: Ristorante della Posta in Villaggio Mancuso

Welcome back to Sila Fridays! We’ve toured the mountains and visited a quaint Alpine village … and all of that walking around has made me hungry. You? Then I know just the place we can go. There are no more than a handful of reputable eatin’ joints on the road to Villaggio Mancuso in Sila...
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Morzello from Catanzaro … Uhm, Uhm … Maybe

Rome has coratella. Palermo has milza. And Catanzaro? Well, we have morzello. Originally created in the province of Catanzaro, morzello, or Morzeddhu alla Catanzarisi in Catanzaro’s dialect is a specialty dish made from cow innards. Yum. According to legend … (come on we are in southern Italy, folks you didn’t think this dish would come...
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Pazzi for Porcini

I’m in love with a mushroom, and I don’t mean the smoking kind. Porcini mushrooms win the blue ribbon as the delicacy of all delicacies in my book, and I pretty sure I’m not alone. There are many types and qualities of porcini mushrooms. But, as for my love story, Porcino and I fell in love slowly, and over...
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