One of the most beautiful towns in Calabria sits perched on a mountain overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. Surrounded by lush hills and creamy white sand, Scalea is one of the most touristy areas of our great region, but remember “touristy” is relative and this almost undiscovered gem won’t stay hidden long.

I plan to delve into more detail about my recent trip to Scalea, but for now I offer you a bit of love… in the form of some of the many, many steps, or scale, that give Scalea its name.

We were recently encouraged over at Love Thursday’s home to look for love in random places. Being the obedient rule-follower I am, I obeyed.

I walked for over three hours searching the pebble stone footpaths for a hidden heart.

When I stopped “looking,” I found them.

Don’t you love it when you find love in random places? Where was the last place you found a bit of random love?

Happy Love Thursday!

8 Responses
  1. The other night walking the pooches there was a perfect little red flower petal in the shape of a heart…but no camera. I brought it home anyway just to show P though 😉

    Love those heart rocks!

  2. My friend Simone told me the other day…I would do anything for you. After 6 years of friendship that is some great love. The heart rocks, ROCK!

  3. I do, too Erin. I DID look for these, though!

    he he, J. Yes they are!

    Good friends DO ROCK, dont they Katie?

    Thanks, Shalet. Once I found the first one, I saw them everywhere!

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