A few months ago I wrote about three of my favorite mountain villages in Calabria, but now that the sun is starting to twinkle behind that wide Calabrian sky, it’s time to hit the beach. With more than 500 miles of coastline, Calabria-bound travelers have plenty of options. Most of Calabria’s beaches are set with...Read More
The weekend of September 13 was seared on my brain and red-checked on my calendar as the day of the annual Festival del Peperoncino in somewhat-nearby Diamante. Plans were made, friends were here and the car was gassed and rearing to go. We left mid-morning and planned to arrive just in time for a late...Read More
Catanzaro has it all … we have breathtaking beaches, rugged mountains and an intriguing downtown, to boot. But you already know that … we talked about it yesterday. One thing I didn’t mention, however is that Catanzaro’s central location makes it the ideal base for vacationers who want to tour Calabria. Catanzaro is 45 minutes from La...Read More
One of the most beautiful towns in Calabria sits perched on a mountain overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. Surrounded by lush hills and creamy white sand, Scalea is one of the most touristy areas of our great region, but remember “touristy” is relative and this almost undiscovered gem won’t stay hidden long. I plan to delve...Read More