First of the Month Recipe: Tortellini with Grilled Onions and Bacon

My husband loves to reproduce our favorite restaurant dishes at home and well, this time … he might have outdone the chef. This tortellini recipe is soft. It’s flavorful. It’s delicious.

And best of all … it is easy! All you need is the time to boil your water and refill that wine glass.

Tortellini Recipe with Grilled Onions and Bacon

(Serves two)

>> 1 package spinach and ricotta tortellini
>> 1 small red onion, chopped
>> 3.5 ounces pancetta or bacon
>> Fresh Parmesan cheese
>> Olive oil


1. Cook pasta in salted water until al dente.

2. While pasta is cooking, saute onions in a generous serving of olive oil.

3. Add pancetta and cook thoroughly.

4. Add pasta to the onion and pancetta mixture and stir, ensuing all of the pasta is coated with the olive oil.

5. Serve immediately and top with coarsely grated Parmesan cheese.

Buon Appetito!

This is my favorite restaurant-reproduced meal we make at home. What about you? Do you recreate meals you’ve eaten in restaurants? What is your favorite?

4 Responses
  1. Amber~ Care and Feeding of Wild Things

    Mmmmm adesso ho fame! That looks so good.

    Thanks, Amber!

    .-= Amber~ Care and Feeding of Wild Things´s last blog ..How to Make a Frittata! =-.

  2. Wow. This looks so good — for someone who is certifiably allergic to most things Italian, I’m going to go for it anyway!
    [yes, I’m sorry to report, I’m intolerant to bread, pasta and wine…Which is probably why my blog Burnt by the Tuscan Sun was born].
    But this looks too good to let pass by…


    Allergies to wine, bread, pasta?? You poor, poor thing. I mean, you aren’t missing anything. I promise! đŸ™‚

  3. Tenesha Foronda

    Bacon is a cured meat prepared from a pig. It is first cured using large quantities of salt, either in a brine or in a dry packing; the result is fresh bacon (also known as green bacon). Fresh bacon may then be further dried for weeks or months in cold air, or it may be boiled or smoked. Fresh and dried bacon is typically cooked before eating. Boiled bacon is ready to eat, as is some smoked bacon, but may be cooked further before eating.`

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