Sophia Lauren: Trials and Tribulations of a Puppy in Calabria

This is a big “Thank You” to everyone who has been following Sophia’s Saga.

I am proud to report that since I “stole” her back from the PdP, things have been great.

Sophia is definitely happy here with us, and she does cute things every day that make us laugh.

She does, however, get into trouble every now and then.

* She has a bad habit of eating the fresh basil and parsley my other half planted and leaving the evidence all over the floor.

* She sneaks into our B&B in Calabria where we are renovating the bathrooms and nestles in between the new wall and the new bathtub. One night the contractors didn’t know she was there and locked her inside. When I couldn’t find her that night before bed, my honey thought to check her “hiding spot.” There she was…

* Sometimes she steals the contractor’s cell phone…I think that is funny. That will teach him to leave in on the floor!

* Sopia is definitely Italian. Instead of a bone, we found a piece of pizza buried inside the fresh basil. But, at least she has good taste! Fresh basil is great on pizza! Maybe that is why she looked at me like I was crazy when I asked her if she wanted to go to Texas with me…I am pretty sure she is staying where she is!

9 Responses
  1. nessuna

    Cucciolaaaaaa!! Ma che bellaaaa~

    The reason for her nestling in the bathroom might be that she is hot, and bathrooms are usually the coolest place. Also it’s quite usual for dogs to eat grass, but teach her not to leave the evidence and pass her un grosso bacio đŸ˜‰

  2. Cherrye

    I will do that…she is so sweet. I have to sneak outside and clean up after her so “we” don’t get into trouble.

    She has chosen the coolest area, but it isn’t safe now since we are installing pipes, etc. into the new B&B…

  3. Dawn( a.k.a Aurora)

    So, this is the famous Sophia? She’s so cute. What a face? She looks like a terrier/husky mix. I’m just glad you stole her back and she’s home. Give her a big hug for me. I just wanted to say I found your blog and I love it. It’s wonderful. I’ll have to create one when I figure how to be tech-whiz.:-) I stink at pc work. Let me know when the B&B is up and running. I figure me and ” The Market Queen” need a small vaction. lol Have a good day! You all take care up there and avoid the heat if possible. ;.) BaciXXX

  4. Cherrye

    Hey Dawn! Of course I will give Sophia a hug from you…you helped PROTECT her! I still love that bucket of ice water idea!

  5. katerinafiore


    What is your job in Catanzaro? I really like your blog. I hope we can talk more in the future!

  6. katerinafiore

    I am on Expats. I haven’t really gotten to know anyone on there. I have left a few posts here and there. What is your email, I would like to chat with you more.

    Thanks for writing back!

    Ciao, Katerina

  7. Louisa


    She is a sweetie pie! I would post a pic of my dog but don’t think you can here. He looks scary but is a big softee really (got me through many a night when i was stressing out about exams etc)..somehow they just sense when something is wrong don’t they.

    It sure is sad when a child passes over – i’m not really religious but when you hear about events such as this it makes me feel kinda spiritual.

    It’s good that you are positive about going to see your family – many would moan about being away for so long have strong character.

  8. Cherrye

    Hey Louisa,

    Thanks for the comments. I think maybe my character is getting stronger the longer I am here. Sometimes you have to just accept things and go with the flow. It is easier than getting all riled up…although, I DID get all riled up about the PdP stealing Sophia, didn’t I?? đŸ˜‰

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