Presto Pasta: Nduja and Tomato Penne

Remember that blazin’ hot sausage spread I told you about earlier this week? Well, injuries have healed and I’m ready for another go.

Are you?

This pasta dish is easily made in the amount of time it takes to boil your water. So charge ahead, my friends. And good luck.

>> 15-20 cherry tomatoes
>> 2 tablespoons nduja *
>> 6-8 fresh basil leaves
>> Penne Pasta
>> Parmesan Cheese (optional) **


1. Boil pasta in salted water.

2. Slice cherry tomatoes in half and cook for 10 minutes in olive oil.

3. Add nduja, stirring until it dissolves.

4. Tear basil leaves and cook 2 minutes.

5. Toss in pasta and cook for 1 minute.

6. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese.

* For spicier pasta, add more nduja, but add slowly and taste often. It gets HOT, fast!

** The cheese will help offset the fire in the nduja.

Buon Appetito!

4 Responses
  1. What a great dish. Now I just have to figure out what nduja is, where I can find it, or what I can substitute.

    Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.
    Hmm… I’m not sure what you could substitute, but if there are Italian/Calabrese shops near you they may sell it. Boh.

  2. Don’t think we can get Nduja in the UK..well you might it London…I could easily eat that dish 🙂
    Especially with just two spoons on nduja! You could serve it to kids … well, almost. 🙂

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