Love Thursday: When Babies Grow Up

Everyone stop what you are doing – drop that coffee! I need your help.

I just lost years of my life and I don’t know where they went.

Although it doesn’t seem possible, my favorite nephew turns eight tomorrow and WOW! Where did those years go?

 Although I know it is wrong to covet thy sister’s child, I can’t help it. I’d be lucky to have a child like this one.


 All children are special … I get that, but there is something about this one that is extraordinary. Maybe it is the way he always loved our church, quickly becoming the house favorite during the exchange of peace and often causing the priest to wait a few more seconds while he made his rounds.


 Maybe it is his love for politics and his quick wit.

 Maybe it how he instinctively knows right from wrong. He feels compassion for people. He wants everyone included and won’t let anyone feel like an outsider.


 That is a priceless quality, especially in a young child and it is our hope he maintains these traits throughout his life.


 For the last eight years I’ve called my nephew “Baby Cole.” I’m not sure why I added “baby,” but unfortunately for him it stuck. This weekend my husband told me I’d have to drop it.

 So I asked Cole.

 Me: “So you are going to be eight years old … I guess I can’t call you “baby” anymore, can I?

 Cole: “Yes, ma’am.”

 Me: (hopeful) “Yes, what?”

 Cole: “It is ok. You can still call me “Baby.” If you want to …

 Me: “Just not in front of your friends?”

 Cole: “Right. Just not in front of my friends!”

 What a sweetie!


 Tomorrow will be the first birthday I’ve missed, including the Big One, where I waited by my sister’s side for many long hours while he was born. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, or longing to be in Texas for the celebration, we are holding our own “Cole’s 8th Birthday Party” party here in Catanzaro, complete with cupcakes and ice cream.


 Happy Birthday Cole and Happy Love Thursday everyone!

13 Responses
  1. Carla

    *SO* cute! What a proud auntie you are and should be! I hope he has a great birthday tomorrow. Best Wishes, Cole! Enjoy your celebration in CZ as well.
    I can’t help but notice his Boston Red Sox cap too, I’m lovin it! 🙂
    Why, thank you. Their Little League teams “borrow” names from the Majors and he was a Red Sox this year. They loved it at Disney, too and he didn’t understand why!

  2. Cute nephews are the greatest, aren’t they?

    I know the feeling- mine was just 6- can’t believe it. He is smart as a whip, he’s better on the computer than some adults I know- and he is so polite!!

    Enjoy his birthday- sounds like you need a webcam for a visit!!
    I *do* need that webcam or well, THEY do, actually. I have one. Where does the time go, Robin?

  3. What a sweet tribute to your nephew. He is a cutie and so sweet to let you continue to call him by his nickname.

    I love the picture of you and him together – such great smiles.
    Thank you, Nadine. He looks like me, doesn’t he? Of course, my sister looks like me, too! lol

  4. Charlee

    What a CUTE kid! 🙂 This was so sweet I was crying like a baby! Don’t feel bad about the “baby” Cole…. I still get him to call me “mommy” instead of “mom” as much as I can! He really is a great kid, thanks for all your help with him… Enjoy the party 🙂
    LOL. Why am I not surprised you think he is great? he he We will have fun. I’m making cupcakes and if your forgetful brother-in-law buys cookie cutters I plan on using those, too! Oh, and you are welcome. It was my pleasure.

  5. Carole in KC

    Happy Birthday Cole. You’re so lucky to get 2 birthday celebrations. What an awesome aunt you have.
    Why, thank you Carole! 🙂

  6. j

    Yes, when I look at pictures of my kids when they were that age I wonder where those little guys went to. The Winnie the Pooh stories were their favorite bedtime stories and I still get teary eyed when I read the last one “We say Goodbye”.
    🙁 Time really does fly by, doesn’t it?? Wow.

  7. Cole

    Thank you cici. I miss you and pep alot. I hope the cupcakes were good. what kind of cupcakes did you make? I hope to see you in December. I love you.

    *BABY* Cole
    Hey, baby. You are welcome. You deserve this *and more* on your birthday. I made persimmon cupcakes, but you probably don’t know what that is, since we don’t have them in Texas. I will see you at Christmas. I love you, too, sweetie!! Muah!

  8. Charlee

    Ok, so I let him write his message to you (above) and now I have got to tell you that he was crying the whole time we read it. I asked, “Why are you crying baby? Because you miss cici?” He says, “yes maam…. and she did not have to do all of this for me.. I mean, she didn’t have to do a whole website about me.” And still through big crocodile tears he adds, “And all of those people I don’t even know wrote back for me.”
    Just wanted to let you know that it really meant alot to him:)
    Now you are gonna make me cry! *SEE* how sweet he is, everyone?!?

  9. Marmie

    i got a new webkins…love u, cole
    Cool, Cole. What did you get? What is his name?? I hope you teach him so cool games so we can play with him next time I am home. Miss you, sweetie!

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