the new Mr. and Mrs…

Isn’t that fun to say?? I mean, uh, write??

It is!

It is!

And, on this, our two month anniversary, it only seems fitting.

Well, as you know good-ole-dad was able to attend the wedding, and other than a few centerpiece mishaps, a Maid of Honor shoe issue, and Peppe totally hating the tie I selected, everything was perfect! And, even those things worked out.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the day.








Giuseppe, Peppe’s cousin and our best man, going over my Italian vows with me one last time. Onorarti… I got it, I got it…only, I didn’t!









The boys, just as I am about to walk, sola…down the aisle. Peppe and Giuseppe wait, along with Cole, our friend Jason, my cousin Scott, and another friend, Adrian. Aren’t they bellissimi?







Did I mention our priest resigned one month before the wedding?!? Luckily, Father Stephen McCrate, who studied seminary in Rome, stepped in, saved the day, and performed our ceremony in both English and Italian. Here, he has just told Peppe he can give his new wife, un bacio di Chiesa. See how intent Cole is on ensuring we follow Father Stephen’s instructions?

Father Stephen wasn’t so specific this time…
Realizing it is a little hard to see in this picture, Peppe proudly models both his new wife, and the new tie he picked up a only hours before the ceremony.
And, what fun that was! We laughed and danced all night, as many of the guests enjoyed healthy servings of assorted beer and wine, and hand-poured peach bellinis. After much discussion, Peppe and I decided the following components were, in our opinions, the evening “highlights”.
– We asked our cake designer to create individual-sized wedding cakes for each adult guest. Each individual cake mirrored a layer in the cake we cut and served to the children. The individual cakes were vanilla, but ummm, who says vanilla is boring and the larger cake had layers of Tiramisu, deep chocolate, and Italian Cream. We had cake coming out of our ears!

– As a surprise, but not secret, gift my parents rented an old-fashioned photo booth. It was a big hit with guests young and old – not to mention hotel staff members who just couldn’t stay out. After the event, the photo booth owners sent us a CD of all the pictures they took that night.

– Our friends. I mean, we knew they were good…but we had no idea. Friends flew in, not only from Italy, but from across America, as our hometown friends opened their homes, volunteered to be city tour guides, storage space centers, and chefs. They devised a make-shift floral center when we needed help, dropped what they were doing to finalize decorations, ran errands, made coffee, brought lunch. Man, they were good!

They are good.

And, Peppe and I are two very lucky people to have them in our lives.

Ahhh, yes…

Very lucky indeed!

21 Responses
  1. Giulia

    Cherrye, I have been reading every post that you have written since being back, but I have been terrible with commenting. Sorry. First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS! Your wedding photos are stunning! I don’t think any wedding goes off without some obstacle. Some just have more obstacles than others. I am so happy to hear that your Father was able to attend, given the circumstances. He may not have walked you down the isle, but he was there, so that’s special all the same! I wish you and Peppe many, many healthy, happy and safe years together as husband and wife.

  2. Megan in Liguria

    Welcome back & AUGURU Cherrye! You were a gorgeous, beaming bride! I have missed your blogs and look forward to reading them in 2008. Best to you & Peppe!

  3. Cynthia Rae

    Thank you so much sharing your speical day with us! You looked so beautiful! What a good looking couple!

    Happy 2 month anniversary! Wishing you many years of happiness!

  4. Cherrye

    Giula! I think you are good commenter! Thank you…Also, thank you for the compliments on the pics. We had a good photographer! And, you are right, I feel very fortunate that dad was there.

    Megan – Hey there! Thanks for the good wishes. I will be checking out your blog soon, too!!

    Hey Cynthia, Thanks!! I am going to do something special tonight and cook dinner for Pep! Ha ha…that is the special part. No, seriously, I found a bunch of new recipes I am going to try out…If I don’t post tomorrow, ya’ll should worry!

  5. pat

    Wow…wow…wow…that was so beautiful. I was waiting for the wedding pictures. You were an absolutely stunning bride and have a very handsome husband. You make a beautiful couple. I am very happy for you. Very, very happy indeed. You have a beautiful story as well…the kind that reassures that there is till pure goodness in the world. Congratulations and figli maschi!

  6. erin

    Thanks so much for sharing these memories and photos with us. What a wonderful day…you all looked beautiful. And the photo booth idea is GREAT!

    (and by the way, you’re right, we should add Calabria to our list of places to visit 🙂 )

  7. katerinafiore

    you look amazing….glad to have you back on the blogging team…I am very happy for you and wish you lots of luck, amica….hope to come to your B&B someday soon!!! bacio 🙂

  8. Stephanie

    Cherrye, you look absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! I love that dress!! Did your father in law get to come? That was nice of our friends and family to help with company, that is what I was worrying about (when Sarina ever decides on a DATE). His family coming and where would they stay. Did you get to go on a Honeymoon? I hope so…..Even though Italy is a honeymoon for me…..Sarina disagrees with me though, she wishes she was in Michigan and I wish I was in Florence. hahaha

  9. Erin

    First of all, I’m so happy you are back. Second, you looked absolutely STUNNING on your wedding day. I love your dress…and your hair : ) Wow!! You and Peppe look so very happy and what a beautiful day it must have been. I hope your dad is doing better. What a whirlwind those months must have been. Hopefully you are all settled back into life. Welcome back.

  10. Texas Espresso

    handsome couple, beautiful dress – looks like a lovely wedding. Thanks for sharing the pics! I wish you many years of happiness and happy anniversary!

    Can’t wait to hear more about everything. hehe ( I am a high maintenance reader)


  11. Amber

    Oh, you look beautiful in your breathtaking dress and curls. Happy, happy day to the newlyweds!

    Oh, and don’t worry. You have lots of time to enjoy your time together before the potty training nightmares ensue. 🙂

  12. Jilli

    AUGURI!! I am happy to hear how great your day was… Your pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them with us…

  13. Cherrye

    Thank you, Pat. I think he’s a cutie, too! Thanks for the positive comments on “our” story…we realize we are lucky!

    Ahhh, shucks…thanks, J! (Blush)

    Thanks, Erin. The photo booth was a lot of fun. I wish I’d have taken more pics in there, but it was such a busy night!

    Michelle – me either! Antonino is helping us put a coffee table album together.

    Thanks, Katie. I hope you come down soon, too. It is good to be back!

    Stephanie. We went to Southern Florida for a few days with his cousin (the lone Italian who came in), then we went to Belize for a week. It was very nice. Sadly, his dad didn’t come. IMO, Italians (at least the ones I know) are just different than Americans. If the wedding had been here, I’m sure I would have had several friends use the excuse to see Italy. His closest friends didn’t even really “try”…it is sad.

    Thanks, Louise. It seems so long ago now.

    Thank you, Erin. I know I said on your blog, but I really like the new look. I also recently read “your story” for the first time. WOW.

    Ha ha…funny, Stacy! Thanks for the wishes.

    Thanks, Amber! Although, I hope my kiddos run to Peppe like your little girl “did”.

    J Doe – Thank you so much! 🙂

    Thanks, Jill. Now we just have to get that album together!

  14. nyc/caribbean ragazza

    congrats!!!! These photos are beautiful.

    I said before but will say it two are a gorgeous couple.

  15. A

    Hey Mrs.Cherrye!:-) I just stopped by for a moment to say welcome back to Calabria e you looked stunning as always. You two look perfect together. I get all emotional over weddings and I must say just the pictures alone were enough to make me cry. Auguroni!!! I hope that every day of your lives together will be just as fun as the day you and Peppe married.

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