First of the Month Recipe: Il Cedro Bed and Breakfast Plum Cake


This breakfast cake is a favorite with Il Cedro guests and has become our signature morning breakfast cake. After answering repeated requests for the recipe, we decided to type up recipe cards and offer them to our guests. I published this recipe in my newsletter last month and am offering it up to you today for this month’s First of the Month recipe!

So, here you go!

Il Cedro Bed and Breakfast signature Plum Cake
(And no. There are no plums … I don’t know why it is called a plum cake!)

(makes eight slices)
>> ½ cup sugar
>> 2 eggs
>> 3/4 cup flour
>> 3 ½ tablespoons peanut oil
>> 1 container apricot flavored yogurt
>> 1 ounce melted butter
>> 2 tablespoons milk
>> 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
>> 1 tablespoon baking powder
>> Dash of salt


1. Beat the eggs and sugar until peaks form.

2. Add melted butter and continue mixing.

3. Add yogurt, milk, vanilla and salt, mixing the ingredients well between each new addition.

4. Continue mixing and add flour and baking powder.

5. Mix in oil until smooth.

6. Bake in a bunt pan for 20 minutes on 300 F.

If you make this deliciously light breakfast cake, please let me know what you think … and if you don’t feel like making it for yourself, come on over to Il Cedro. We’ll make it for you!

8 Responses
  1. Looks great C. Still scratchin my head on the *Plum* part though????!!! LOL.
    I know, and you have to say Ploom cake or they correct your English!
    My Melange’s last blog post..On Missing Paris

  2. joanne at frutto della passione

    It’s usually the shape that determines whether something is a plum cake or not. Look at it this way: Cake + loaf pan = plum cake, in Italy anyway!
    LOL! Thanks for the lesson. I guess in THAT respect, ours isn’t authentic PLUM.
    joanne at frutto della passione’s last blog post..The North Pole Website of the month December 2008

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