First of the Month Recipe: Delizie al Limone

There is just something about summertime that makes you want to dig into fresh, fruit-flavored desserts that are taste light as air … or well, if you are like me-there is just something about ANY time that makes you want to do that. While it is true that even the finest chefs in Italy can’t stand the summer heat, some sweets are worth that extra hour or three in the kitchen and this cream and limoncello-filled dessert, my friends, is one of them.

Delizie al Limone

1. Pan di Spagna (cake)
>> 4 eggs
>> 1/2 cup sugar
>> just under 1/2 cup flour
>> 1 tablespoon vanilla


1. In one bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar until peaks form.

2. In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites until foamy, then add to the first egg and sugar mixture.

3. Slowly add the flour and vanilla, mixing the entire time.

4. Pour into a six-muffin pan and bake for 40 minutes at 300° F.

2. Pastry Cream
>> 3 tablespoons of sugar
>> 1 1/2 tablespoons of flour
>> 1 egg yolk
>> 1 tablespoon vanilla
>> 3/4 cup milk
>> 1 1/2 tablespoons whipping cream
>> 1 shot of limoncello


1. In a pot, combine the milk, egg yolk, sugar, flour and vanilla, and whip until smooth.

2. Heat the mixture until it is lightly boiling, then reduce heat and continue mixing for a few more seconds.

3. Let the mixture cool.

4. In a separate bowl, beat the whipping cream until peaks form.

5. Add the blended milk mixture and limoncello and continue to mix until blended.

3. Soak
>> 1/2 cup of milk
>> 1 tablespoon of sugar
>>1 shot of limoncello


1. Combine all of the ingredients and mix until sugar is dissolved.

4. Final Cream
>> 1 1/2 cups of whipping cream
>> 1 shot of limoncello
>> 1 shot of cream limoncello (optional)


1. Beat the cream until peaks form, then add the two shots of limoncello.

Final Assembly:

1. Slice the bottoms off of each cake and scoop some crumbs from inside the larger piece to create a cavity. Don’t throw away the crumbs-you will need them later.

Delizie al Limone Italian Dessert Recipe

2. Moisten the cavity of the cakes with the “soak” until lightly wet. (1-2 tablespoons).

3. Fill the cavity of the cakes with the cream, then cover with the crumbs and the base.

4. Line the bottom of a glass dish with a layer of “final cream,” then place the cakes on top of the cream.

Delizie al Limone Italian Dessert Recipe

5. Generously cover the cakes with the remaining “final cream” and decorate with a thin slice of lemon peel.

Delizie al Limone Italian Dessert Recipe

Buon Appetito!

And Happy Fourth of July!

11 Responses
  1. Amber~ Care and Feeding of Wild Things

    Mmmm, that looks amazingly delicious! I haven’t tasted limoncello in sooo long. I must make this dessert.
    I would DEFINITELY miss limoncello if we weren’t in southern Italy!
    .-= Amber~ Care and Feeding of Wild Things´s last blog ..Here We Come! =-.

    1. Nancee Sthay

      I made it but I think I did it wrong…the cakes were like spongy and the pastry cream was …not right it was like buttery
      I put the flour in too soon for the cakes and I think I whipped the cream too much for the pastry cream.

      might try it again.

  2. j

    Looks good, but its the 4th so I will probably be grilling burghers and dogs. Happy 4th Cherrye…BOOM!
    I was waiting for you to bring me a burger, J… what happened? 🙂

  3. Jas

    I will definitely have to try this. As far as I’m concerned, anything that has limoncello in it is a win.

  4. Jack

    I’m making this for the 2nd time. It is very good. Not quite as good as what I had in Amalfi a month ago, but maybe it was just the setting. It is a wonderful presentation being so different from most American style cakes. It gets attention for sure. Try it.

  5. Jack

    The amount of soak and filling cream in this recipe will easily do 12 cakes.
    garnish each cake with a thin lemon slice.

  6. John

    I am making this for the first time and one part of this recipe seems off to me. You say to whip up 1 1/2 tablespoons of whipping cream. Did you really mean 1 1/2 cups?

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