La Buona Cucina Americana: Three Ingredient Dessert – Texas Mud

With less than two weeks to finish buying gifts, wrapping presents and decorating the tree it might be hard to find time to bake all of your traditional homemade goodies.

Need some help?

This easy to whip up, no-bake Texas Mud recipe was a staple at my busy mom’s table and now it is global. My Calabrese hubby loves it, my English-speaking expat buddies love it, even my 10-year-old English student loves it.

And it isn’t it pretty?


Texas Mud Dessert

(Serves 6)

>> Vanilla pudding (instant, 2 cups)
>> * Whipping Cream (1 cup) / Container of Cool Whip
>> Oreo, or similarly yummy chocolate and cream cookies (10 ounces)
* We always use a regular-sized container of thawed Cool Whip in Texas, but I substitute whipping cream in Italy. It is much lighter with Cool Whip!


1. If using whipping cream, whip the cream and set it aside.

2. Pour half of the pudding into a large bowl and crumple cookies, folding with a large spoon occasionally.

3. Slowly fold in the whipping cream. This dish should be very light, so be sure not to over-stir or mash the cookies.

4. Continue alternating the pudding and whipping cream until you have reached the desired consistency.

5. Pour into a serving bowl, crumble more cookies on top and decorate.


In Italiano!

>> Budino al gusto vaniglia (450 ml)
>> Panna per dolci (200 ml)
>> Biscotti Oreo o Ringo (300 gr.)


1. Montare la panna e metterla da parte.

2. Versare metà del budino dentro una ciotola e sminuzzare i biscotti.

3. Mescolare gentilmente con la panna, da fare con delicatezza per evitare di ridurre in poltiglia i biscotti.

4. Alternare budino e panna fin quando non sarà raggiunta una buona consistenza.

5. Versare in una ciotola, sminuzzare altri biscotti e decorare.

Buon Appetito!

What is your favorite holiday dessert? It is ok … you can name more than one. I won’t tell!

** Sila Fridays will return next week! **

7 Responses
  1. yes they sell Oreos in Italy now, so one will be able to make an “official” Texas mud cake. 🙂

    My mom’s Carrot Cake, Coconut Tart or Sour Cream Cake were my favorites.

    I sad I won’t be eating any of those this year.
    I’m sorry you can’t eat them this Christmas. I really missed the pecan pie at Thanksgiving!!
    nyc/carribbean ragazza’s last blog post..Flashback Friday – “Heatmiser”

  2. My mom’s fudge!!!

    She’s funny — last week she talked about how she was going to send me this package: “I can mail a flat-rate package for $49 to France.” I said mom, that’s ridiculous, we’ll be there three weeks later! She said “But you won’t have any fudge!” I said “Oh yes I will, just in January!”

    Then later she said, “Okay, well if you won’t let me send you anything for Christmas, you don’t send US anything for Christmas.” My response: “I wasn’t planning to!” Again, suitcase leaving from here to there on Jan 12th!

    We can get Oreos here too so this looks tempting. Have a great weekend Cherrye!
    Thanks, Kim, you, too. Your mom’s fudge sounds fab… maybe worth that expensive mailing?!?
    Kim B.’s last blog post..Today’s News and a Two-Day Pause

  3. joanne at frutto della passione

    The ultimate comfort food. I have never had this, but it looks like it might be fun to make with children.
    You should try it. It is sooo yum. I could go for some right now!
    joanne at frutto della passione’s last blog post..Posting at Christmas

  4. Cherrye this sounds great- sort of like an ice box cake. I like the Oreos much better than graham crackers! I have to give this a try my boy will love it!
    I never met a kid who didn’t!
    susan’s last blog post..Mom’s Strufoli

  5. My favorite dessert? Probably Butter Pecan ice cream (Blue Bunny) or Java Chocolate Crunch ice cream (HEB store brand). A favorite healthy alternative would be fresh ripe cherries, or raspberries, or strawberries.

    Texas Mud is awesome though, and well worth the calories!
    That ice cream sounds soo good. I was sure you’d saw Blue Bell, though!!
    Amyemilia’s last blog post..Early December garden update

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