Ten Italian-Themed Links for Your Weekend Reading Pleasure

With the Italian-frenzy that is bouncing throughout the Internet these days, missing a blog post here or a news item there wouldn’t be hard to do.

So, to help you out, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite posts from the week and included them here for your leisurely weekend reading pleasure.

Enjoy! (you can thank me later)

1. Head to Joe’s and weigh in on whether the New York Knicks are stereotyping young, Italian athlete Danilo Gallinari or whether they are just showing him the love.

2. Read up on World Nutella Day and see how you can get involved.

3. So, who do you think drinks for wine – Americans or Italians? Get the read deal at Bleeding Espresso.

4. See what Babyroma’s been eating as her mom, Kataroma deciphers the differences between Australia and Italy.

5. Get an insider’s view on her favorite fountain in Rome at NYC/Caribbean Ragazza’s blog.

6. Curb that sweet tooth with Frutto della  Passione’s chocolate pasta. Best of two worlds, I’ll say!

7. Visit Italophile.com and get the scoop on the latest social networking sites – created just for us Italophiles!

8. Candied carrots – who knew? Visit Alex’s Blog from Italy and get the dish on this and other Italian candied specialties.

9. Think you know Italian food? Visit Italian American Girl who is Saying NO to Bogus Italian Food.

and finally …

10. Check out the hottest Italian soccer players at Why Go Italy, Part I *and* Part II. Grazie mille, Jessica!

Buon Weekend!

10 Responses
  1. Well, who knew to expect buff and half nude men here? I’d have come sooner if I suspected.
    Never know what you are gonna get around here, Judith. Trying to keep you on your toes …

  2. Irish Jen

    Number 10……..come on down! Hope you’re good today… xx
    Thanks, Jen. I am feeling much better. You sound like my mom. She was mad she couldn’t enlarge the picture! lol

  3. I’m so glad you all appreciate the fine Italian footballers I so enjoy writing about… Because it makes up for the grief I get in my office (all but one other coworker is male) for those articles. Hrmph.

    Oh no, Jess. Keep it up. We appreciate it! 😉

  4. Joanne at frutto della passione

    Thanks for the blog love! I am getting caught up on my reading tonight (the boys are playing with the Wii, so I have the living room and the laptop to myself). Boy, do you think someone hovered off camera with robes, afraid the boys would *prendere freddo*? Sigh, thank heaven for eye candy.
    I’ll hold that blanket!! Pick me!!

  5. Angela Therres

    In ancient civilizations, women’s hair was often elaborately and carefully dressed in special ways. Women coloured their hair, curled it, and pinned it up in a variety of ways. They set their hair in waves and curls using wet clay, which they dried in the sun and then combed out, or else by using a jelly made of quince seeds soaked in water, or curling tongs and curling irons of various kinds.

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