Travel Tip Tuesday: Five (more) Reasons to Visit the Bottom of the Boot

Last week I wrote five reasons travelers should consider visiting southern Italy. I mentioned the hospitality and lack of English-speakers as major incentives, as well as the laid-back, old Italy experience. Yet, as many of you pointed out, the benefits of a vacation in southern Italy greatly outnumber my measly five and there were some molto importante things I left off of the first list.

So I’m gonna try to make that up to you today.

There is food, fun and adventure-so stay tunedhere are five more reasons travelers should visit the bottom of the boot.

DSCF0129photo credit: Krissyho

1. Your Piggy Bank Will Thank You

As Barb and Traci pointed out in their comments, most of southern Italy is a steal compared to the north. In fact, just this morning I was talking to one of our loyal guests who raved about a restaurant in downtown Catanzaro where she dined on antipasto, pasta, fruit and wine for only €16.00. That wouldn’t even get you a pizza and beer in many northern cities.

2. So Will Your Stomach!

As Lisa and Kathy mentioned, the food in southern Italy rivals anything you’ll have-anywhere else in the world. We love our fresh fruit, vegetables and spices and many restaurants feature seasonal specialties. The fact that I left it off of the list the first go around says nothing about the food, rather, it just goes to show how quickly one can grow accustomed to, expect and take for granted a good thing.

3. And for That Matter-so Will Your Eyes

I felt like I was in a movie the first time I took that nine-hour train ride down Italy’s east coast and into southern Italy and Puglia. There was a  mountain, then the ocean, then a mountain … all depending on which way I turned my head. It also had that familiar warm-toned hue that seemed to blanket the area, making it all the more enticing. It was serenity, romance and nostalgia, all wrapped in one.

4. Unexpected Surprises

Us non-Italian Americans have heard of Florence, Rome and Venice since we were kids so it is often a welcome surprise to visit-and fall in love with-southern Italy. I had friends visit us a few months ago after they’d spent a three-week stint in other parts of the boot. As I suspected, they planned on “enjoying their Italian vacation,” for three weeks, then “visiting their friend, Cherrye,” the last six days.

I’ll give you three guesses what their favorite part was … and no, it didn’t have everything to do with me. In fact, I think part of the reason they loved Calabria so much was because it was unexpected and unexpected surprises really are the best.

5. Sense of Adventure

It is easy to visit the well-known tourist areas in Europe, but by continuing on to southern Italy instead of stopping in Rome, you can stretch your sense of adventure. It’s fun being a trail-blazer … won’t you join me?

What other reasons can you think of to visit southern Italy?

Until next time … Buon Viaggio. (And happy birthday, Mom!)

Traveling to southern Italy? Click here to see how I can help you plan the trip of a lifetime.

5 Responses
  1. Marion

    Great blog post! I agree so much with reason #2. My stomach is still saying “thank you”… 😀

    Definitely! My stomach is encouraging me right now. I’m kinda hungry! :0

    .-= Marion´s last blog ..Marseille Blue Sky =-.

  2. Those 5 are definitely reasons enough, especially the food. Judith is right about the charming, warm and welcoming people, expats and Italians alike. Also,the beaches are the most beautiful in Italy as is the color of the ocean, whether it’s the soft teal that washes upon the shore or the intense turquoise of the deeper waters. (Cherrye – Thanks for the link!)

    You are welcome-thank you for the suggestions and comments!

    .-= food lover kathy´s last blog ..The Italian Teacher, The Friend, and a Magical Chocolate Kahlua Budino =-.

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