So You Think You Can Cook? La Cucina Italiana and Blog from Italy Recipe Contest Coming Soon

So you think you can cook?

Well, this is your chance to prove it!

Alex over at Blog from Italy, along with La Cucina Italiana Magazine are turning up the heat with a fall-flavored Italian cooking contest – and everyone is invited to play along. The contest begins Friday, September 12 so you have a full week to think of fresh ideas and fine-tune those recipes.

The challenge is to create the most delicious organic Italian soup for fall weather but it should be a recipe that is suitable for cooks of all levels.

The judge line-up is led by none other than the deep-thinking and ever practical professional chef Judith Greenwood, of Think on It. Other judges are Alberta of La Casa San Martino Agriturismo in Umbria, and Rowena of Rubber Slippers In Italy.

But guess what?

Alex even let me play along!

In addition to the judges, a group of Italian-food lovin’ bloggers have been asked to test the short-listed recipes. Besides Alex and me, Marla of La Bella Baita, Melanie of Italofile, Michelle of Bleeding Espresso and Robin at My Melange have oh-so graciously agreed to do a test-run on selected recipes.

And I can’t wait.

So whether you are a professional chef, a side-order cook or a cookaholic, head on over to Alex’s to get the full scoop.

In Bocca al Lupo!

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