Recipe Sharing … Isn’t THAT the Best Kind?

I’ve been gone from Italy almost a month and while I do love me some good ole Tex-Mex, Southern cooking and yes, I will admit this– Pizza Hut, I am missing the realdeal.

Here is a compilation of some of my favorite recipes from some of my favorite bloggers …

Enjoy. Or should I say Buon Appetito!


Pasta with Fresh Tomatoes and Basil, pictured above and courtesy of Michelle of Bleeding Espresso

Pasta Carbonara, from Robin of My Melange

Pasta al Forno (with tomatoes and mozzarella) from Amanda at a Tuscan View from Umbria


Coconut Balls … thanks, Judith!

Tiramisu from Daniela at Campo di Fragole

Affagato from Marie, The Proud Italian Cook

Other Yummy Stuff

Italian Pineapple Salsa pictured above and created by Maryann of Finding la Dolce Vita

Pane di Casa, thanks to Joe (and his mamma) from Italyville

Tuscan Bread Salad from the Diva herself at Over a Tuscan Stove

And just for fun

How To …

Tips for making great risotto from my fellow “tipster,” Robin of My Melange

How to Host an Italian Aperitivo at Home, from Ms. Adventures in Italy herself, Sara

Where do you find your favorite recipes? Do you find them online, get them from your grandmother or invent them yourself?

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