One year ago today I embarked on my Italian adventure. Well, actually, one year ago yesterday I “embarked”, but one year ago today I arrived! It is unbelievable a full year has passed, although thanks to the slow-paced bureaucracy of the Bel Paese, I’ve only spent 6 months “inside” the country.

Regardless, I think now is a good time to reflect on this year, and since it is Love Thursday I can only think “good” thoughts.

The Six* Things I LOVE Most about Italy:
(Besides my sweetie pie)
6. The beauty. You know Italy is a beautiful country, so you don’t need me to reiterate, but when you see the same thing day after day even the most charming places become norm. But lately when I’ve been on a passeggiata or taking a drive with Peppe I’ve found myself breathless with the awe of this beautiful country and overcome with gratitude that I live here.

5. Speaking of a good ‘ole passeggiata, I love those, too! People here just go out for a stroll…often! Aside from cardio-style jaunts, walking is practically unheard of in Southeast Texas, so I enjoy walking along the path in front of our house, or going to the beach and walking along the boardwalk. It is nice and calm, and such a relaxing way to spend an afternoon.

4. The coffee. No more of that flavored water for me, no thank you! I am pretty sure I am growing hair on my chest as we speak (now isn’t that a pretty thought???) I also really love going to this coffee bar near here where, although I was never a big fan of the show, everybody does seem to “know your name”, or at least they smile a lot!

3. While we are on the topic of drinks – limoncello! How did I live without it so long? Peppe and I tried our hand at homemade creme limoncello a few weeks back…it was not successful. But, here’s to a second attempt!

2. Reading books! Although the availability of English-language reading material is non-existent in Calabria I am basking in the amount of “free time” I have to read. I stocked up at the Half-Price Bookstore on my last Texas vacation, and Michelle and I have established a free-trade agreement in the book department, so, if I pace myself I should be able to make it through the summer!

1. Entering the blogosphere and meeting all of you wonderful folks. I realize this sounds super-cheesy, but you have helped me begin this transition with your thoughts, your words, your support. I am eternally grateful…grazie mille!

* I originally planned to write The Five Things I Love Most About Italy, but after I finished, and reread my post, I realized I had written two number “3”s, and really, who am I to choose??


Happy Love Thursday everyone!

15 Responses
  1. Giulia

    OMG, this is too freaky! I know we had briefly mentioned to each other how we moved within days of each other, but I had NO IDEA it was practically the same day! Coincidentally, you and I have the same title for our posts today, except mine is minus the “love Thursay.”
    Originally, I wanted to leave on the 18th but I remember doing a search on “this day in history” for that particular date, and didn’t like the things that I read…lol…so I changed our departure date! Yeah, I know, silly.
    I’m glad you wrote positive things about your past year. I got all sappy about writing about our actual departure that I never even thought of writing what it is that I like about living here. Hard to believe, but there are a few things that I like! 😉

  2. Waspgoddess

    Congratulations on your 1st birthday!
    I have never tasted limoncello, but I’m so intrigued. When I was in Venice earlier this year I saw it on menus in cafes and bars, but alas was too fixated on drinking Bellinis, so completely forgot.

    Here’s [raising a glass of prosecco with a touch of peach puree] to many more happy years in bella Italia.

  3. Erin

    A whole year! That’s a good milestone to celebrate Love Thursday with! So glad you are sharing your adventure with all of us : ) Have a happy day!

  4. j

    Happy first anniversary Cherrye!

    I remember the really good lemon drinks in Italy. Especially something I think called Lemonesco (?). It is a really yummy alcoholic lemonade.

    I think Catanzaro had the “cutest” passeggiata I saw in Italy. It took place on some park (piazza?) that was mostly concrete with some palm trees. Groups of teenage boys and groups of teenage girls would keep walking around in a big oval clearly checking each other out. It reminded me of a similar thing we used to do in high school only this being America we did it in cars and we kept driving around a square. We called it “buzzing the Ave.”

  5. Louise

    COngrats on your 1st year!!
    Sounds like a fabulous year. Italy sounds SO wonderful, the coffee, the sights, the limoncello…mmmm!!
    Thanks for sharing all your adventures with us, I know I enjoy reading all about it!
    Have a great birthday!!!!

  6. Carole (in Mo.)

    Happy first anniversary and many more. Especially as you embark on your future matrimonio. Che bella storia!

    I have been lurking (I think that’s what you bloggers call it) long enough without commenting, so for this occasion I wanted to send you good wishes.
    I comment more often on “Bleeding espresso”.

    I also, would like to know when your B&B will be ready and if you’re near Castrovillari, Cosenza.

    I met a couple who will be visiting there in June and staying at “La Locanda di Alia”.

    Are you or Peppe’s family familiar with the location?

    Grazie mille

  7. Poppy Fields

    Happy one year in Italy! I like Limoncello, too. My mother-in-law is originally from near Treviso, and whenever she goes to visit family, she brings me back a bottle.

  8. rjlight

    This makes me miss Spain so much–there are so many similarities. I read so much in Spain and drank such wonderful coffee!

  9. cheeky

    Happy Anniversary Bella! (Buono Anniversario? – that’s me trying to be clever and do it properly, in Italian for you)
    I’m sure the road that lies ahead will bring even more joy than you could ever imagine.

  10. Cherrye

    Guila – I need to go over and read your post. I’ve been MIA the last few days. Happy belated anniversary to you! (I hope leaving on the 18th doesn’t cause me any trouble down the line.)

    Waspgoddess – were the bellinis in Venice good? I NEVER see them on the menus here in Catanzaro. Actually, though, now to think of it – they don’t really give us menus here in Catanzaro! You gotta try limoncello, esp the cream kind. YUM!

    Thanks, Erin – I will go check out that meme, now!

    Louise and Delina – thank you! 🙂

    J – I am not sure what Lemonesco is, but I plan to find out. You were probably in downtown on your passaggiata, huh? They have redone downtown Catanzaro, too, with the brick is very cute! When I was in HS, we called it “cruising”. Wow, I am old!

    Carole – thanks for commenting. I need to get that “thing” on your meme when you can see that people are “lurking”… 🙂 Someone else does that, too. He refers to himself as the “Blog Stalker”. Should I be worried? Peppe and I just went to the city of Cosenza last Friday for a change of scenery and to have lunch with his cousin. I’m not familiar with Castrovillari, but Peppe was.

    Poppy Fields – Don’t drink it all in one place, ok? That is some stong stuff!

    Rjlight – Do you have a blog? As soon as I check out Guila’s post and Erin’s meme – I am on my way. I’ve never been to Spain, but I’d love to go sometime!

    Cheeky – grazie mille…that is me answering you in Italian! 🙂

  11. sognatrice

    Auguri! You’ve lasted a whole year in Calabria, which is like 7 years anywhere else, I think…kinda like dog years 😉 Now you have me wanting to go back and find my ticket from when I came here in August 2003, my official move date….

  12. rjlight

    I’ve never been to Italy unfortunately! My blog is — it’s not about Spain really — well, sometimes it is…

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