Guest Blogger Robin: Ode to Italy

Oh Italy how I love thee…let me show you the ways….

  • lemons the size of softballs
  • that make limoncello
  • biscotti
  • to go with the robust espresso
  • served on Italian pottery
  • Deruta is my fav
  • the history, especially Rome
  • and the Colosseum
  • Florentine leather shoes and gloves
  • the green rolling hills
  • dotted with cypress trees
  • cafe life
  • the people, so welcoming
  • and the sound of the language..when spoken sounds like angels singing
  • speaking of singing…the opera
  • speaking of hot gorgeous men (oh, I guess I wasn’t speaking this one out loud) Raoul Bova
  • Raoul Bova, yes he deserves 2 entries
  • and the bright sunshine
  • that sets over the Mediterranean Sea
  • Palazzos and Piazzas
  • and frescoes
  • in Venice, the only city of its kind
  • listening to Vivaldi
  • sipping Bellinis
  • villas
  • in Tuscany
  • with terraces full of olive trees
  • that produce lots of cured olives
  • and the nectar of the Gods, known as olive oil
  • the best of which comes from Lucca
  • fresh basil in fragrant bouquets
  • used in pesto
  • Vespas
  • and the stylish women driving them
  • all dressed in the best Italian fashions
  • going to Enotecas
  • or Osterias
  • and Trattorias
  • to eat fresh pasta
  • and sip the wine that is so red and inexpensive
  • and the creamy gelato
  • my new Italian blog buddies
  • visiting
  • and dreaming of staying there…

What are your favorite things about Italy?

Photo:  Small cobbled entryway off the beaten path in Montefioralle,Tuscany

Cherrye’s Note: Robin is a lover of all things European and my Travel Tip Tuesday partner in crime. The original post can be found here, or you can visit Robin at My Melange any day of the week! Happy Love Thursday!

14 Responses
  1. Very nice ode!

    My favorite things would take up some room but I’ll say my friends, the food, the color of the sky at dawn and dusk, the art, the men (ha), the history, the bella lingua, the amalfi coast, sienna, venice, rome (of course), the markets, the creative curse words, gelato, wine, sitting in a piazza talking with my friends, the emotion etc.

  2. joanne at frutto della passione

    My favourite things about Italy: Sagre/Feste di paese, going for walks after dinner in seaside towns, the mountains, MY men; my husband and son, cold apperativo and hot coffee, sidewalk cafes.
    I was feeling cranky until I read this, thanks.

  3. Great additions NYC and Joanne. I agree with everything on your lists (I am *sure* your men are great, Joanne!) lol I also love the loooong summer days.

    Yes, Running. I’d add the Italian national team to that list, as well. Fabio Cannavaro, ahhhh ….

    Thank you for sharing, Robin! This is such a great discussion topic.

  4. Sally

    Yes, I think what everyone else has said and especially, to actually see history, to stand where Caesar lived and walked, carved stone, old buildings where people live today with brightly colored geraniums and petunias flowing off balconies or walls or on the cobbled streets. Younger men nodding their approval of you. Older men saying bella. Talking to older women especially about men (in Italian), of their lives. And especially the food, fruity gelato and particularly, the calciatori of AC Milan.

  5. Where to begin: risotto ai funghi, the way children are loved, hot soccer players, Pigato, the men in uniform, Marcello Mastroianni, the gestures, the history, Amarone, the shoes, the colours, Fabrizio De Andrè, the art of “arrangiarsi”, aperitivi, the language, swearing in the language, the Tuscan hills, the Sardinian beaches, the art of enjoying life even when times are bad.

  6. Everything on Robin’s list is on my list and I’ve been to Montefioralle also…what a charming town. Thanks Robin for making me smile and bringing back such wonderful memories.

  7. Raoul was my very own secret choice. I guess he is no longer one person’s secret. Too bad. Of course I didn’t bury him in a long list, but posted a nude photo! Meglio, tanto meglio così.

  8. Rachele

    well, I live in Roma….so I lean towards her! I love her so much that I cant express all that I feel…there are no words….you must be engulfed by her! BUt I will say FORZA ASRoma e Francesco Totti!!!! Lui è il mio preferito, Il capitano!!!! daje Totti Daje!!!!!

  9. Oh, I know Michelle. But Fabio. What about Fabio??

    Great additions, Sally. I *love* this history, too. It is almost mind-boggling!

    Nice, Linda!

    Glad you enjoyed the post, Angie.

    Yes, Judith. The secret is out. Darnit.

    Rachele, I love Roma, too. And Florence. And Venice. And of course, My Catanzaro!!

  10. Some things I like about Italy-

    Buffalo mozzarella
    Being so close to the rest of Europe
    Bits and pieces of ancient Rome which I walk past regularly like the city walls in San Lorenzo and the Tempio di Mecenate on the same street as our bed and breakfast. Anywhere else they’d be major tourist attractions. In Rome, there’s so much amazing ancient stuff to see that people kind of ignore them.

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