A couple of months ago I was contacted by a producer at KPAM Portland Radio. He wanted to know more about my favorite little region in Italy and asked if I’d be interested in talking to them about Calabria.

Me? Talk about Calabria?

Now, that’s not fun at all.

Where the magic happens photo credit: Dave Kleinschmidt

Due to time zones and sleeping habits, we decided to do the interview once I was on American soil, so one day after my flight(s) home for Christmas, we got down to business.

Via the great telecom system of AT&T (and least on my end), I met with radio talk show anchor and host of The Azumano Travel Show, Pat Boyle.

The segment aired the day after Christmas in Portland, but for all the rest of you, it is right here.


[audio:https://mybellavita.com/wp-content/uploads/cherryemoore-calabria.mp3|titles=Cherrye Moore, Southern Italy Travel Consultant on KPAM Portland]
11 Responses
  1. diana baur

    Oh Cherrye!! I love this. You did so great. Excellent publicity for Calabria and I hope you get a ton of bookings from that area.

    Love these grass roots marketing coups!! Wonderful.

    Thanks so much for your support, Diana! The interview was fun.

    .-= diana baur´s last blog ..Interesting People Series: Letizia Mattiacci =-.

  2. Nice work, Cherrye. Calabria must be grateful. 🙂

    It’s no good, you know. I’m going to have to drop in on you at Il Cedro and see all this for myself, one of these days…

    That you will, Mike!

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