I borrowed this idea from a fellow blogger while partying it up with the folks at the Ultimate Blog Party.

40 Before 40

It’s genius! What a great way to reevaluate some goals and dreams…while I still have 9 years to get there…

40. Jump out of an airplane

39. Ride in a hot air balloon

38. Go scuba diving (or at least snorkeling) without having a panic attack…don’t ask!

37. Go to Egypt

36. Take an African Safari

35. Have kids

34. Have grand kids – oh, wait…not before I am 40!

33. Read the bible…all of it.

32. Get married (Nov. 16, 2007)

31. Own my own house

30. Get a literary agent

29. Publish a book

28. Have people buy that book

27. A lot of people…

26. Run a successful business

25. Have a successful Bed and Breakfast in Southern Italy ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰

24. Learn ITALIAN

23. Learn CALABRESE dialect!

22. Go on a Round-the-World trip Vacation

21. Uh, win the lottery to be able to afford #22

20. Have a happy marriage

19. Maintain contact with my friends (wherever they and/or I may live)

18. Have one of my books (you know, the one so many people bought) turned into a movie – What??? I am optimistic!!

17. Watch a movie in Italian and understand all of it.

16. Drive around southern Italy without breaking out in hives…ok, I don’t really break out in hives – but I do get an adrenaline rush…and, not the good kind.

15. Be a better blogger

14. Have more patience with people

13. Stop cursing so much

12. Lose 5 pounds (yea, right – like I will be satisfied enough to cross that off in 9 years)

11. Decorate an Italian home like an American would (expats, you know what I mean)

10. Learn how to cook two or three really good dishes that people request!

9. Figure out what a RSS Feed is

8. Have more than one English student at a time

7. Visit Morocco

6. Go to at least one really cool New Year’s Eve Celebration

5. Buy a pair of Prada shoes

4. Or Manolo Blahnik’s

3. Or, maybe Jimmy Choo’s

2. Have my vote for President actually count (Texas ain’t exactly blue)

1. When I am 40 – I wanna still look like I am 30

14 Responses
  1. rindy

    Stopping by partying!!! I had one goal by 40–to get my taekwondo black belt. And I did it!!! Stick with them…they look great!

    Stop by and visit and enjoy the day!

  2. Judy

    Happy Party… and I’m too late to do the 40 by 40. Here’s hoping all of yours come true! I’ll be checking back with you. I lived in Brazil for three years… and I enjoy reading about other people’s experiences in different countries.

  3. sognatrice

    Ah! You reminded me that I did one of these and then never posted it…hmm…now if I can find it. And don’t worry, you’ll be speaking Calabrese in no time ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Cherrye

    Hey everyone – thanks for stopping by! Rindy congrats on the black belt…that was a great goal.

    Judy – come on back anytime, and please, share your Brazil experiences…

    Songatrice – At this rate, I might be speaking Calabrese before I speak Italian. ha ha

  5. Amber

    What a fun list and a fantastic blog. I LOVE that you picked up and moved overseas…what an adventure. I’d say that would be a major notch on that life list of yours.

    Happy partying!

  6. j

    Well I don’t blog, I just comment. I guess I’ll have to start a commenter’s party. Maybe I should put it on the list of things to do before 40…hmmmm…does the “new” 40 count?

  7. Tracie B.

    hey there! thanks for stopping by my site ๐Ÿ™‚ i can’t wait to poke around some more, i’ll be back wednesday from texas!

  8. IRENE

    So good to read your blog. Very funny entry. I need to do one such list myself!
    May your dreams and aspirations come true.And if you are that focused, I am sure you will realize them!

  9. Monkey Giggles

    Swinging in for the Ultimate Blog Party. Nice to meet ya.

    I will be starting my 3rd party favor give away later tonight. Come on over when ya get a chance.

    PARTY ON!!!!

  10. Gina

    Oh, I’m sooo jealous. My grandma was from Calabria and I’ve been wanting to live there for years. But my husband doesn’t have the same vision yet. I used speak Italian well, in fact when I was 16 I spent 6 weeks in Italy. Four of them in Calabria with a bunch of Italian teenagers. I had a headache all summer from translating.

    I noticed you’re a writer as well. You need to visit http://writer…Interrupted.ginaconroy.com

    I’m definitely bookmarking you!

  11. Linda

    Hi! Stopping by for the party! i don’t know where calabrese is but i do know what calabresa sausage is ๐Ÿ™‚ Loved your blog and it def. goes on the blogroll! you are welcome to my brazilian corner for some snacks and chat!
    See you again soon I hope!

  12. Cherrye

    J – I comment, too…A commenters party would be just as fun. You gonna start that for us. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰

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