Summer Fruits We Love

There are so many things to love about summer – warmer weather, lazy weekends at the seaside, gelato and fruits! We aren’t talking about just any fruits. These fruits can only be indulged in during the summer months and they are the perfect blend of sweet and refreshing – just what you need for a bit of a pick me up on a hot summer day!

Le More

These tiny delicious wild berries grow in abundance on mulberry trees. They look just like blackberries only they are white. If you, or someone you know, lives in the country-side than they most likely know exactly where to go to get their hands on some. If you’ve never had le more before, be warned, you’ll find it hard to resist having just one more. They are juicy, sweet and come jam-packed with vitamins, minerals and those wonderful antioxidants that are so good at keeping us youthful and healthy. Le More can be eaten on their own, but they are also often used to make marmalade.

Pesca Merendella

What can I say about the peaches in Calabria? There are no words to describe how delicious they are. They are both sweet and refreshing, everything you want in on a hot summer. Along the Ionian Coast of Catanzaro, you will find a variety of peaches called “merendella”. You’ll be able to tell it apart from other peaches because of its pale green peel. They almost look like a cross between a nectarine and an apple. Meredella peaches are great on their own – and you’ll actually find Italians eat them with the peel! But they are also great to use in a cool and tasty sangria. You will typically begin to see these peaches at your local supermarket or fruit vendor in June through to August.

White Figs

Figs are one of the most popular and loved summertime fruits here in Calabria. The white figs, which actually have a green outer skin, are so sweet and tasty it’s no surprise that everyone’s face lights up with joy when they start showing up at the local fruit vendor. Figs aren’t only really delicious, they are also very healthy. They aid in digestion, contain cancer-fighting properties and can even help prevent heart attacks. Who says things that are good for you always taste bad!?

Have you ever tried any of these fruits? What’s your favorite summer fruit? Let us know over on the My Bella Vita Facebook Page.

Images Credits: Info24, meteoweb