I lightly mentioned in my ” first-ever tagged” post a couple of days ago that Monday was not the best of the best. Someone stole my cell phone, my MP3 player, and about 30 Euro from the gym locker room. (I know you are thinking, “Cherrye you are nuts – leaving all of that valuable stuff in one place!” And, you are right. I’ve already discussed that with myself.).

But, this doesn’t seem to be an appropriate topic for a Love Thursday post, now does it?
And, I suppose that part isn’t. It is the aftermath that was important.

I was kinda dreading telling Peppe, because, even though it wasn’t my fault these things were stolen, I can see where my carelessness (or, as I prefer to call it – my naivety) allowed it to happen. His response was overwhelmingly supportive.

“Ooohhhh, bambolina mia…Let me give you a hug….Poverina…Are you ok? Don’t cry, it’s ok…we can replace ‘stuff’.”

Tuesday morning, Nino gave me his cell phone. “(He) never uses it anyway,” I was told, “…and, it is already activated!” I just had to recharge the battery.

Wednesday morning Peppe came home from work with a gift from his colleague, Dominico. “She had her first bad Italian experience and I don’t want her to have that bad experience on her mind…” The note said, “…to help get through the bad times (in inglese at that),” and it was three rather nice bottles of wine. I guess that will help you get through the bad times, huh?

Wednesday evening I returned to the gym feeling a little uneasy. I was greeted by the same smiles, the same friendly faces. As I was leaving one of my English students said, “Why don’t come early on Monday? It is one small way I can help you.”

I returned home from the gym with a lifted spirit. Yes, there are people who will take advantage of you and maximize your misfortunes. But, for every one of them there is a beautiful, compassionate, loving person. (Maybe even three or four!) And that counts for something. I suppose you could think of it like this…

If we didn’t see the bad every now and then, we might not recognize how good, the good, actually is.

All of these seemingly small acts of compassion really mattered to me. These people, whether knowingly or not, helped me at a time when I was feeling sad or vulnerable, and I realize that compassion, like love, really does count for something.

Happy Love Thursday everyone.

8 Responses
  1. Giulia

    Awww, that was so sweet of them. Sometimes, the smallest of gestures mean so much more than the bigger ones. 🙂

  2. Erin

    Sorry about all your stuff getting stolen. It’s such a vulnerable and violating feeling when people invade your space and take your belongings! But I’m glad to hear that good people showed up at the right time!

  3. cheeky

    This post confirms the fact that love is not a feeling, it is an act.
    Let love rule!
    I’m so glad you were loved on. 🙂

  4. Cherrye

    Thanks, everyone! Ya’ll are right, people do come around and do the kindest things, just when you need it the most.

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