Chocolate Festival: Festa del Cioccolato in Cosenza (Calabria)

You can get drunk from wine, right?

You can get drunk off whiskey?

You can even feel drunk when you are in love.

But have any of you ever been drunk on chocolate?

I have.

Plain. Old. Chocolate.

Not the liquored-up kind.

And it was a buzz I rode all night long.

Last week I went to my first Italian Sagra, or food festival since I moved to southern Italy two years ago.

And it was sublime.

I walked through the main square in Cosenza around 8:00, just as the shops were closing. No one was eating chocolate and try as I did I could not sniff the sweet aroma floating in the air.

I was worried.

Given my previous history with accidentally missing food festivals I vowed not to count my chocolate covered chickens before the proverbial egg had hatched, so I anxiously held my breath and looked for chocolate smeared stains on the passing faces.

Finally. They arrived.

There were over 30 booths representing regions throughout Calabria and offering up cavity-inducing delights such as chocolate-covered figs, dark chocolate and pistachio candy and homemade Sicilian cannoli.

 There were demonstrations and displays.

 There was pepper-flavored chocolate, chocolate liquor and white chocolate coconut balls.

 There were mounds of chocolate just sitting out on the streets … begging to be bought.

 There were even these provocative chocolate sticks offered up to patient party-goers.

 After about an hour there was a drunk American, staggering in the street and -literally- bumping into people in her chocolate-induced frenzy.

And she had fun.

This year was the 6th annual Festa del Cioccolato held in downtown Cosenza along the Corso Mazzini. This three-day event includes live musical entertainment, chocolate sculpting events, a DJ and live interviews with local chocolateurs.

So, if anyone is interested, La Festa del Cioccolato is held every year at the end of October-right smack in the middle of downtown Cosenza. So come along with me next year … I’m gonna need a DD.

What are your favorite food fests, either in Italy or your home country? Are there any food fests you attend every year-rain or shine? Do share!

11 Responses
  1. So much chocolate! Unfortunately I do not eat it, as I have to have my cat food. It was nice to see you visit my blog.
    Yes, but I bet mommy eats it. You could share with her!

  2. I’d rather get drunk on chocolate than wine any day!
    Positano has a great Sagra del Pesce in late September. Fun night on the beach with most of the locals pitching in to help. Traditional Neapolitan music and fresh fried fish with local wine.
    Oh that fish festival sound FUN. Maybe I can make a trip next year and see it. When is it?

  3. Oh yes!!! Now that is MY kinda festival- a chocolate festival. Have to admit- I feel a little tipsy just looking at the photos 😉
    he he! Sorry about that. J asked what wine goes with chocolate… I thought you might know??

  4. Jeff

    What they couldn’t wait one more week?!!! Blasted. I hope they have chocolate covered castagnes in Camigliatello!!

    They had castagnes everywhere, too. It was a bit odd to me, but they were leading up to the chocolate festival! boh. Have fun in Sila this weekend!

  5. Sounds like a great time to visit and stay in your B&B. Where theres chocolate there’s usually a crowd, count me in.
    August and September are so fun here because of all of the fests. I plan to do much more next year … come on down and join in!

  6. This year the fish feast in Positano was on the Saturday 27th of September. It’s a nice time to visit the coast, as the crowds have died down somewhat.
    Awesome! I ask because I have some great friends coming next Sept. Maybe we could “do” the coast around that time!

  7. j

    I think you gave me an idea…what kind of wine goes with chocolate anyway?
    I’m thinking it all goes with chocolate, but what do I know? I like Lambrusco!

  8. Kelly

    I just found your blog recently and love it! I am a chocoholic too! =) The best chocolate festival that I ever attended was in Torino a few years ago…it’s called CioccolaTO. Definitely worth it if you ever make it up north. Here’s the website:
    Welcome, Kelly. I’m thinking this might worth making a trip up north. Yum!

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