Guest House on a Tuscan Farm

One of the best things about running a bed and breakfast-besides the hodgepodge of guests in and out of your door-is meeting other B&B’ers throughout the world. I’ve exchanged emails with B&B proprietors in Scotland, Spain, Rome, Piedmont and Tuscany and we all have more or less one thing in common.

We like people.

We like to meet new people. We like to listen to their stories. We like to feed them or share a glass of wine with them or tell them about our area.

Well today, I’m going to tell you about a little guest house tucked away on a Tuscan farm.

Guest House in Tuscany-Friends and Family in Italy

The owners are American-born expats Martha and Ben Taccarino. After a three-year struggle to secure her Italian citizenship, Martha, Ben and their dog, Siena, set sail for the Bel Paese and landed on a 50-acre farm just outside of Monte San Savino in Tuscany.

Guest House in Tuscany-Friends and Family in Italy

In addition to their home, they’ve leased a Guest House, where they welcome friends, family and guests to their little slice of paradise. The rate is $75 USD per night with a two night minimum but they are currently running a special of $60 USD per night when you book at least three nights.

And-breakfast is included.

Imagine watching the sunset over the Tuscan hills with a glass of your favorite red wine, then waking up to Martha’s specially prepared Italian breakfast and really getting away from it all …

Guest House in Tuscany-Friends and Family in Italy

Tempting, isn’t it?

Since I am always interested in what makes other innkeepers tick, I asked Martha. She said,

“I enjoy seeing our guests’ reaction when they get out of the car and see the view-which is exceptional from the top of our mountain. When the weather is nice, I make a few appetizers and we all have a glass of wine and watch the sun set. I can visibly see most people relax. For many of them it is a real escape and a ‘little love nest.’

“I think, for many people from the states who might not have traveled in Europe before, just being on a farm, staying in a stone cottage, seeing the farm house which dates from the late 800s-the view, the simple, good produce, cheese and wine makes a whole package that is very memorable.

“We loved coming to Italy so much that we moved here. We just want to share that with as many people as we can.”

I know what you mean, Martha.

If you are interested in visiting their Guest House in Tuscany, you can check out their website, Friends and Family in Italy. If you want more information on moving to or living in Italy, visit Ben’s blog that is full of updates and links for people planning to-or dreaming of-moving to Italy.

Although I grew up in southeast Texas and have seen my share of Texas farms, I’ve never visited a Tuscan farm-and I’d love to! Have you ever stayed on a farm? What was your experience? Would you recommend it?

7 Responses
  1. I am bookmarking this for myself and clients 🙂 It looks lovely. Thanks C.
    Wonderful. I am sure you all will love it!
    My Melange’s last blog post..Recipe Swap

  2. Cherrye – We’ve stayed on a farm for vacation both in Italy and in Canada. It was especially great when the kids were little (in Canada) and they could see sheep being sheared for instance, haul in fish from the lake and help with the garden. In Italy it was always a stay amid vineyards and olive orchards, so there wasn’t so much hands-on helping, but always gorgeous surroundings. I’d love to go to that place in Tuscany that you recommend.
    They both sound fabulous. I’d LOVE that kind of “get away from it all” vacay!
    Ciaochowlinda’s last blog post..Chocolate Amaretti Cake

  3. That looks lovely. I want to go to Italy one day with Tom and I hope to stay not only at your place but other warm and lovely places throughout Italy.
    I can’t wait to meet you and Tom in person!
    Nadine’s last blog post..PODS Are Here

  4. I am totally a city girl. I’ve walked around a farm – the one my dad grew up on in Oklahoma, but other than that – nope. 🙂 Actually, the next time we’re in Italy and travel further than a day trip, our plan is to stay and a farm B&B or agriturismo. Sounds so relaxing!
    Fun! Will you make it as far south as Calabria this go around?
    stacy’s last blog post..EUREKA!

  5. Amber

    I have stayed at an agritourismo near Firenze, and it was a wonderful experience, one that I wouldn’t have wanted to miss for anything. Our hosts served the most interesting breakfasts with the fruits of their labor on their farm. Farmhouse architecture is remarkable, and it was almost a struggle for me to leave the relaxing surroundings and make day trips into the city for viewing art at the Uffizi etc.
    The photos you shared in this post are stunning.
    Oh see … THAT is why I want to go!
    Amber’s last blog post..Where’s The Baby?


    would love to visit! my favorite movie and story of all time is “Under THE Tuscan Sun!” any more pic or info on your guest house? i will like to find out ticket prices and hop on the next plane!! my dream would be to find an old country villa and fix it up but i would need HELP! how hard is it to buy property there? how much up front cash(%) would you need?
    Ciao Debbie. I sent your message on to Martha from the Tuscan Guest House mentioned in this post. I’m sure she can help you.

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