Last Week’s Ultimate Blog Party was a huge success turning out 1,498 girlie bloggers! Can I say, “WOW?!?” What an amazing event!
I must pause for a moment here, and profusely apologize to everyone for my lack of comment responses this week…more details tomorrow!
You may remember we had a few little contests going on over here at MBV. One two-night stay at Il Cedro B&B was offered through the 5 Minutes for Mom gang, another was offered through comments right here on My Bella Vita.

And, now…without further ado, I proudly announce to the blogosphere our contest winners!

Selected by Pamela of Happy Panda through the 5 Minutes for Mom contest…

Cher and Gene Klosner of Stardust Lullaby

Yea, Rock On, Parrrrtay, Woo Hoo, Goooo Baaaaby (insert bells and whistles here)

And, selected by a random generator, as recommended by Plain Jane Mom

Playful Professional of Play More, Laugh More, Live More

Way To Go, You Did It, You’re a Winner, Ohhh Yea…(more bells and louder whistles)

Thanks to everyone who played along! It was a great party and I can hardly wait for next year. In fact, I can’t wait…So, I am off to check out more new blogs I didn’t get to this week.

So, welcome new pals and faithful friends, and although the church changed the day this year, it doesn’t mean we all have to…so, Happy Saint Pat’s Day! Drink more green beer!

10 Responses
  1. Krystal

    Thats great the turnout was fantastic- I had good intentions…. ah well I snagged your 100 things about me and udated a couple more things on my little blog… (oh and figured out the comments thingy!)

  2. Crazy Daisy

    Even though my name wasn’t drawn, It is just a good to see someone I know win! Congrats to the winners!

  3. Linda

    Oh well, I guess I’ll visit your your B&B some other time. Congrats to the lucky winners!
    Hey, just wanted to let you know that I tagged you for a short meme. Ciaaaaooo!

  4. Cherrye

    Lara – I hope you do plan that trip! It’ll be a good one!

    Thanks, Erika! πŸ™‚

    Krystal – way to go! Baby steps.

    Crazy Daisy – That’s nice to say. I get excited when I see someone I “know” in other blog’s comments!

    PP – CONGRATS! Send me an email at mybellavita (dot) cicina (at) I looked for an email address from your blog, but couldn’t find it!

    Why, thank you, Nadine. Peppe said the same thing. lol

    Ah, Michelle. I am working on that post now!

    Thanks, Danette. Hope you had a good one!

    Yes, you will, Linda. I better go check out that meme now!

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