but sincere all the same

Saturday was International Women’s Day, or as we dire in Italiano, Feste della Donna. And, I must say, I’m getting pretty good at celebrating this baby.

Well, not actually “on” the day, per se, but in the general scope of the matter – I get my party on.
Last year, my first official donna fest was only a few days before the inaugural Calabrian Women’s Summit, held right here at Il Cedro B&B. It was a bit belated…but, we made up for it.
This year, it seems that yet again, I am a bit behind. One of my good friends, and former colleagues “JM” is on her way (as we type) to Catanzaro!
You know what that means? One week of girl gabbin’, lunches fuori, mean ritas, shopping at the market (instead of being rushed and watched), and 20 more pounds of my stuff, carried in a spare suitcase, by my amica. (If you’ve never lived in southern Italy, you might not appreciate the novelty of girl’s day lunches and leisurely “friend” shopping, but trust me – this is big!)
In keeping with the international flavor of the event, here are pictures of some of my favorite international women!

At Disneyland in California with famed musician, native Korean, and my dear old friend, Soon Hee Newbold.

Spending my 30th birthday in NYC with Iranian-born dentist, avid traveler, and tell-it-like-it-is friend of 20 years, Dr. Shawn.

Ah, yes. International Women’s Week (did anyone catch that) will be sublime. And, to all of you out there, new readers, faithful friends, mothers, daughters, and sisters, I wish you “Auguri” and Happy Women’s Day!

Note: In the top picture, I am surrounded by Pirates of the Caribbeanpirate” from Canada and France! Yes, friends. this is where I worked in Paris!

9 Responses
  1. Giulia

    Cherrye, I’m sure you get told often but you are so pretty! I LOVE that top photo! 🙂
    Happy Festa Della Donna week. 😉

  2. Cherrye

    Ah, G, you are so sweet. Paris weather was good to me. Besides Paris, I don’t know how to live without 100% humidity.

  3. Shabnam

    You look SO cute in that threesome pic! And you KNOW, I luv our pic, or any pic w/ me in it! 😉
    Happy Women’s Week to you, my First American Friend Ever! (Hey, FAFE could replace your other nickname that you so love!)

  4. Nadine

    We don’t this in the states, but it does seem like a nice idea. It’s great to have good friends that for so many years.

  5. Cherrye

    Yes, Lara ‘ you should!

    Arlene – belated auguri to you, to!

    Shabs – LOL!!! It just wouldnt be the same…

    It is nice, Nadine. I think we should all celebrate next yr in the states!

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