Halloween in Italy isn’t celebrated in the same way it is in America. Although kids do dress up and organize Halloween parties, they don’t go trick-o-treating and houses aren’t usually decorated to scare anyone passing by. But, we aren’t going to let that stop us from getting into the Halloween spirit and evoking a little...Read More
It’s impossible to choose just one word to describe Southern Italy: rugged, historic, enchanting, captivating, mysterious, unforgettable…are only a handful that come to mind. It’s hard to believe sometimes that it’s still relatively unknown to many travelers outside of Italy. We know that the South of Italy has so much to offer travelers, and it’s...Read More
For the second installment of our Southern Italy Books Series we’re off to Sicily – that island off the toe of the Italian boot that has been captivating travelers since ancient times. Our list of books about or set in Sicily are seeped in the mystery, vibrancy and spice that make the Sicilian culture so...Read More
I kicked off my new Reader Question series last week by offering up some of my favorite “stopping points” for travelers passing through Calabria from Campania. Today, we are heading over to Italy’s biggest island for a set of questions about its capital city. Interestingly enough, I received two questions in the last week or...Read More