Travel Tip Tuesday: Three Holiday Travel Tips


The holidays are just around the corner and while they bring good cheer and merriment, they also bring shopping stress … eating stress … party planning stress … travel stress. Agh! What’s the well-traveled, try-to-always-be-chipper party gal, or guy to do?

Well, don’t worry. We can help you with that last one.

Holiday travel shouldn’t be stressful. You are taking a vacation – to visit people you love (or at least to visit people you kinda like) – it should be fun. Here are three tips to help you relieve the stress of holiday travel.

1. Whether you are traveling by land or sea a little advanced planning will go a long way in relieving your travel-related stress. Take time before your trip and make a list of everything you need – including presents and food items you need to carry. If you are traveling with your car, be sure the oil is changed, tires are checked and the gas tank is full at least two days before you leave. If you are flying, check online to ensure your flight is scheduled to depart on time. 

2. Leave early and plan for delays. And I don’t mean take an earlier or later flight or fly in the middle of the week (although those are good tips, they are already told here and here). I mean if you need to leave your house by 10 AM to get to Grandma’s by 10 PM, consider leaving by 8 AM. The increased traffic might slow you down and you won’t tear into your kids if they have to stop for the restroom … again. If you are flying, think about actually arriving at the airport at the suggested 2 or 3-hour early mark. You will beat the rush who didn’t arrive early and be glad you have that extra time to get through security.

3. Remember there will be other people traveling. In fact, there will be a lot of other people traveling, and – nerve of them – they will think their holiday travel is just as important as yours. Whatever you do, don’t let them bring you down. Believe it or not, you can make the conscious decision not to affected by other travelers and their negative attitudes. You planned ahead. You arrived early. It is not your fault they didn’t!

As with traveling during any other time of the year, remember to have fun and enjoy the journey. I always feel an extra cheerful holiday spirit in the air when I travel during the holidays … and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Do you travel during the holidays? What are some of your best holiday travel tips? Please share!

Until next time … Buon Viaggio!

5 Responses
  1. All these tips are great!

    I used to get crazy annoyed when I showed up on time for my international flight and then some people rush in all late and think they should be able to jump to the front of the line because their plane is leaving. These are not people who are coming from a connecting flight.

    I used to fly from Los Angeles to St. Martin after my parents moved back to the Caribbean. It was not a fun trip. $1400 for a coach ticket, a red eye to Miami a loooong lay over. grrrr

    Once I arrived I remembered it was high season in the Caribbean and sat in traffic. ha

    This year I’m staying in Rome. I miss my parents and would love to spend Christmas with them but my next trip to the islands will have to be during off season.
    Ugh. That sounds like the price of our tickets flying from no man’s land Italy to timbuck two Texas. I hope you enjoy your trip when you can finally take it!
    nyc/carribbean ragazza’s last blog post..Oh no! I’ve become a cold weather wimp.

  2. I used to get annoyed when things didn’t go exactly my way when travelling but now with two little ‘uns, I’ve become much more patient and a lot more organized. You really can’t sweat the small stuff. The one thing that I still have problems with is overpacking. I always go over my weight restrictions for the flight back home. I’ve been trying to find one of those luggage scales over here but with no luck. Would you happen to know where I could order one?
    That is right. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Traveling is FUN!! I use this hand held luggage scale. It is small enough that I can carry it with me back and forth inside my suitcase. It was a gift someone gave me in America, but I am SURE you can find it online. Check Amazon UK or Ebay UK.
    Milanese Masala’s last blog post..Cucina confidential

  3. My favorite holiday travel tip is:


    The cleaning and cost of the meal you have to lay out is nothing compared to the stress of travel. Grr.
    Amen, Sister. Just my family would NEVER come to Italy for Thanksgiving! lol
    My Melange’s last blog post..Travel Tip Tuesday -Thanksgiving Travel

  4. This is the first year I have wanted to go away for Christmas, but doesn’t look like it is going to happen :-( sons coming either, just me and the husband.

    I would come to you for Christmas 🙂 need no convincing….ha ha

    anne’s last blog post..Google Map of Our Holiday

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