Shabby Chic – WW Part 3

“La buona moglie fa il buon marito”

Last week we tore into the Italians with busta talk and soldi expectations. It’s just not fair! So, to even the playing field un poco, let’s talk about Americans! Celebrities have been doing it for years, yet many people think it is a tacky, and tasteless, way to hold a wedding…

Who knows what a sponsored wedding is?


Star Jones made headlines in 2004 when she and future hubby, Al Reynolds, advertised for the companies who donated their wedding items. While she was possibly the most flamboyant in her attempts to snag these wedding freebies, she was not the only celeb who has done it.

Now, many “common folk” are jumping on board and asking for donations for catering, wedding cakes, flowers, even reception halls. That’s right. These couples pay zilch, zero, naaaada!

The catch?

In return for the goodies, the couples promise to advertise these companies in their wedding programs, their invitations, on matchbooks, with signage at the wedding, and on their wedding website…pretty much anywhere a sign or list can be placed, these companies get pitched.

No more signs with hearts emblazoned with “Anne and Michael” (Notice I didn’t say Cherrye and Peppe…) But instead, “This cake is courtesy of ABC Bakery and Company.”

Or, something equally as chilling…

With the average cost of a wedding rising (probably even as I write this post) and knocking on the $30,000 door, I understand why this idea might be attractive. But…well, I won’t give you my (full) opinion just yet. What do you think about it?

Sponsored weddings…chic or shabby?

“A good wife makes a good husband.”

9 Responses
  1. Maryann

    Very tacky, I don’t like it. I like what was written last time. If you cant afford something and you dont have anyone to make it for you then leave it out. The stars are crazy expect this from some of them.haha

  2. sognatrice

    Well I wouldn’t do it personally, but I’m also someone who is planning a 4 person ceremony (mostly because they say we *must* have witnesses).

    But hey, if it truly will make someone’s life happier to have their wedding sponsored, I say go for it–hopefully it’s a once in a lifetime affair so I don’t see why every girl shouldn’t get exactly what she wants. (Going to assume a lot of guys wouldn’t think of doing this on their own.)

    Regarding such a gal, though, I couldn’t think of a better example of someone planning a wedding rather than a marriage–hopefully she’s thinking about the marriage too….

  3. Erin

    Shabby, especially if you’re a celebrity and are made of money!! I think way too much expense is put into weddings on the whole. I agree with Michelle, not enough emphasis is put on the marriage itself. It’s all about show and who can have the nicest wedding. I had a relatively inexpensive wedding and we still had 180 guests and I was perfectly happy. Although my tastes have changes since, so I’m sure my wedding would cost a lot more today would I be getting married : ) Great post, Cherrye! This is so very interesting.

  4. Nadine

    Shabby. I personally wouldn’t do it. I would feel like I’m selling my special day for free cake and a dress and lose more than I’ve gained. Celebrities especially very tacky.

  5. Judith in Umbria

    No chic about it. It’s in execrable taste. I’ll go further and say that were I invited to a wedding commercially, sponsored, I’d just say no.

    There are lots of occasions that are becoming more expensive than makes sense. Bar and bat mitzvahs, sweet sixteens, proms, etc., and it makes me nuts that people think they need to be marked in gold and precious gems. If you can’t afford to pay for it, skip it. Make a ceremony or a party that you can afford. I’d rather have an egg salad sandwich and a cup of tea with two sensible people than Beef Wellington with two idiots.

  6. KC

    I agree with the other commenters. If a couple can’t afford a big wedding, they shouldn’t have a big wedding. The best wedding I ever went to was also the simplest, with a light meal and a couple of homemade cakes. It was all so honest and unpretentious, and everyone had a great time, I think precisely because of how simple it was. I almost think sponsoring a wedding is even tackier than expecting your guests’ gifts to meet the cost of the reception. But I’m not sure.

  7. Cherrye

    Maryann, You are right – the stars ARE crazy, but for some reason people FOLLOW them. Go figure!

    Sogn – You mean their is a marriage at the end of the wedding? Dang! Nobody told me THAT!!! Do you think Pep knows?? đŸ˜‰

    Ha ha, btw – funny assumption about the boys. They (normally) dont get into planning a “paid” wedding, think they’d get into this??

    Erin! I agree. The stars are the richest people out there, yet they want / think they deserve more freebies than everyone else. I have been very budget-conscience in my planning, as well. Some things are just DANG expensive. It’s a problem with the whole industry. $700 for a CAKE!!! Come on, people!

    Nadine, I’d feel the same way. Plus, I dont know how you can get really want you want if you arent paying for it.

    ha ha, Judith! Spoken like only you could!! I think it is in poor taste, and I would prob not go, either (unless I HAD to.) But, hopefully if it is someone’s wedding I feel I HAVE to go to, I could talk them out of this idea! I think I would have a hard time looking a bride in the eye and saying, “beautiful wedding” – is that bad of me?!??

    KC – it is a toss up! When I was researching this post, I read several comments from girls who wanted to find “sponsors.” They said things like, “It would really help us out to not have to pay.” Seriously. It would help me out, too, but…

  8. Shan

    I don’t really like the idea, but as they say to each his own.

    That being said I think the cost of wedding related things are spiraling out of control. I refuse to believe that cake can or should cost $1000. It’s craziness.

  9. Cherrye

    Shan – You are SO right!! It is crazy. There is a beautiful mansion in Beaumont that can be rented for events. If you call and ask for a price for an “event” it is $1,000. If it is anything Wedding-related (the wedding or reception) it is $3,000! It makes me furious how people take advantage of the fact that people want a nice wedding. I refused to even look into them when I heard that…(well, and I couldn’t / wouldn’t have paid $3,000 just to rent the place!)

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