Travel Tip Tuesday: Five Ways to Overcome Post Italian-Vacation Blues

Travel Tip Tuesday

Post vacation blues is a real-life ailment. It is … Wikipedia says so. But they don’t have to keep you down. Here are five ways you can overcome post vacation blues after you have tasted a bit of the bel paese.

Hazel Gem
photo credit: Alyssa L. Miller

1. If a picture is worth a thousand words … how much is the whole album?

Some of my friends started a vacation tradition a few years ago and well, I’m gonna steal it. Hey. I’m also going to share it with you.

After they return home with the 1000+ pictures they took on vacation, then spend a few weeks going through them, select their favorites and create an album with their digital photos.

Shutterfly and Photoworks both make high-quality books that print your digital pictures directly onto the pages of your album. You can make notes, add captions and choose backgrounds that complement your Italian vacation.

2. Party like it is 1999 … in Italy

Make note of your favorite Italian dishes and search for recipes you can recreate at home. Once you have assembled your menu, invite your closest friends or family members to a Festa Italiana! You can show them your new album and share some of the limoncello you hauled back home … you know, if you wanted to.

3. Take your taste buds  on vacation

You might be trying to lose those post-vacation kilos, but give your taste buds a break. They deserve it … going cold turkey is tough.

Head down to your  favorite Italian bakery and treat yourself to homemade tiramisu, Italian gelato or fresh cannoli. If you really want to feel like you are in Italy, order a biscotto … and don’t call it “a biscaaati.”

4. Import Italy

Order a few of your favorite Italian items either from an online vendor or from your local Italian market or specialty store … and devour them as soon as they arrive! Sharing with your spouse is optional.

5. Feast for the Senses

I know some expats in Italy will beat me (50 lashes with an overcooked noodle) for recommending this, but watch your favorite set-in-Italy movie. Most vacationers like Under the Tuscan Sun (here comes the beating!) for the Italian romance and sensational scenery. Personally, I’d go with Benigni.

What other tips do you have for tackling those post vacation blues?

Until next time … Buon Viaggio!

4 Responses
  1. Paula Russell

    Just got back from Milan, Varenna on Lake Como, and Venice and I definitely am suffering. Three suggestions: 1) find someplace that makes real espressso and indulge often; 2) read everything you can find about your favorite places, works of art,etc. ; and 3) start planning your next trip to Italy! Thanks for your terrific ideas.

    Great ideas. Thank you!

    .-= Paula Russell´s last blog ..Venice’s Rialto Bridge =-.

  2. I laughed when you mentioned Under The Tuscan Sun. Right before I moved to Italy that movie was on cable all. the. time. It was a sign I tell you!

    On a more serious note I suggest buying a few Italian cookbooks. Great photos and recipes.

    Yea, Under the Tuscan Sun did me in, too. Ha! Also, I am with you on the cookbooks-nothing brings back Italy like the food!

    .-= nyc/caribbean ragazza´s last blog ..UP IN THE AIR/JULIE & JULIA =-.

  3. Jason

    I’m a major sufferer of the post-italian vacation blues. I keep trying to drink it away with limoncello, but then I pass out and DREAM of Italy. No good. The only real cure is a return trip, I suppose!!

    LOL When should I pick you guys up at the airport??

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