I know it is horrible. But sometimes, even when you live in a culture-rich city, surrounded by steep, lush mountains and deep blue oceans, you get just. a tad. bored. (I know. I said it was horrible.)
So what do you do?
You head out of Dodge. Or in this case, out of Catanzaro.
Although I’ve lived in Calabria for three years, I’ve never made the two-hour drive south to the city of Reggio Calabria. Oh yes, I’d heard of it … with their National Magna Grecia Museum and that whole “most beautiful kilometer in Italy” thing. But I’d never seen it.
I was overdue.
So, I gathered up two of my Catanzaro-based expat pals and we made a good ‘ole fashioned American road trip to Italy’s toenail where we met with a Reggio-based American expat and her Calabrese husband.
They gave us the grand tour, complete with a walk along the “most beautiful kilometer in Italy.”
And well, yea … It ain’t ugly.
Then we headed to the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia to check out those big naked bronze men. And to echo the words of one of my fellow American road trippers … “Che culi!”
No, literally.
These warriors were, oh how do I say this delicately, cast with two of the best butts I’ve seen in Italy. Or Europe. Or America. Ahem. They are impressive.
Equally as impressive is the fact that these statues were built 2500 years ago and were buried in the Ionian sea until they were discovered in 1972 by a scuba-diving chemist just off of the coast of Riace. The statues’ eyes are bone and glass, the teeth are silver and the lips and nipples are made of copper. The intricate curls of the warriors’ hair and beards and the veins protruding from their muscles are shocking. You’ll want to reach out and touch them.
But you can’t.
We ended our day with one last look at Sicily …
A quick group photo …
And we set back down the dimly lit superstrada for home.
Have you been to Reggio Calabria? What was your favorite thing to see/do? What is your favorite day-trip destination from your home town?
*Photos aren’t allowed inside the museum. This Bronzi di Riace photo is courtesy of sullacrestadelolonda.
Lol, I agree about the Riace warriors’ butts. But you’ve left your readers hanging, so to speak, with that frontal view. We want butts!
I looked! They won’t allow pics inside the museum and unfortunately the professional photos I found focus on the front. (Beats me!) 🙂
KC’s last blog post..Sessa Saturday: Diaphragm arches
While because they are clothed I cannot comment on their derrieres, the bronzi of Pergola in le Marche are equally stunning. A lifelong amateur fanatic at Roman history, I felt like I understood really for the first time what a Roman woman looked like and how she wore her clothes. Sure, you see drawings, but they always looked like it would all fall off too easily. When you see them face to face it makes you straighten up and think, “It’s posture.”
I think you are right. Maybe I should work on that?!?!
Judith in Umbria’s last blog post..National Arboretum, Washington, DC
I agree with KC……guess you need to go for live subjects when you want to post *butt shots*…..
Ha! Only if they are like the one you son took in Sicily!
I was bummed that I couldn’t take pictures too. I think those bronzes of Riace are without a doubt, the most stunning sculptures I have ever seen. To think they were sculpted with the “lost wax” process thousands of years ago makes them even more amazing. There are a couple of bronze statues in a similar style and era in Rome’s Museo Nationazale Palazzo Massimo alle Terme. Next time you get to Rome, go see them. One is of a boxer, the other a prince – equally stunning.
I will, thanks!
Ciaochowlinda’s last blog post..“Le Matte” hold a festa /artichoke squares recipe
To think I saw them when they just been fished out of the sea. Long lines to see them. They didn’t quite have the same effect on me-perhaps because I was distracted by the living butts around me.
I find Rodin’s *…* irresistable…
Wow. That is awesome you saw them so early on. So did my husband. He said it was a big social event! Maybe you should see them again??
Scintilla’s last blog post..Odds and Ends
Too Funny Cherye! Those fit ancient Greeks were really something…yumm! My husband, Bill has a bod.. and my friends agree that the “David” has some competition… but Bill has nicer legs from biking. I now regret not making the jaunt further south when we were there. Next time on the bike trip– we will be back next year I am sure! Kisses to you and Pepe.. B
Hey there! Maybe it will be better if you see the bronzi with Bill … he can size up the competition! ha ha
Hi Cherrye, I saw i Bronzi a few times… most recently was 96 (ouch, the years fly!) would love to see them again… and the mythical missing one. There was a great little gelato shop in a circular shack when I was there and it was soooo good! wonder if it’s still there?? By the way… you ladies are also looking good!
Oh yes, Joe. Cesare’s is still there. it is scheduled for next week. 😉
bellissima. What a great day trip.
nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..Italian Driving School Diaries – A gold star day.